The changing weather, combined with a social calendar packed with get-togethers and parties, can wreak havoc on rosacea. Here are some tips for navigating the holiday season successfully:
- Take care of yourself. A hectic schedule can lead to stress-induced flare-ups. Get plenty of rest, eat right, maintain a daily exercise routine and don't over-commit yourself.
- Follow your prescribed medical therapy. Now more than ever is the time to use your rosacea medication. Surveys have suggested that patients who use medication have greater success in maintaining remission of their signs and symptoms.
- Keep the kitchen cool. Holiday cooking can quickly heat up the kitchen and lead to a rosacea flare-up. Open the window. Keep a damp towel nearby to pat your face and take a break to a cooler part of the house when you can.
- Be vigilant about food and beverage triggers. Holiday parties often feature an array of tempting dishes, but avoid items that affect your condition. Patient surveys cite alcohol (especially red wine), heated beverages and spicy foods as particularly common rosacea triggers.
- Protect your skin. Holiday activities can mean a lot of running in and out of doors. Take care to protect your face with a scarf in cold or windy weather.