Medical Advisory Board

Composed of leading senior research authorities on rosacea and basic research, the NRS medical advisory board evaluates research study proposals and approves the awarding of research grants. The board members also develop NRS medical scientific policies, and review and edit educational materials developed by the NRS.

Dr. Richard Granstein, Chairman
Chairman of Dermatology
Weill Cornell Medical College

Dr. Hilary Baldwin
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Dr. Richard Gallo
Chairman of Dermatology
University of California - San Diego

Dr. Julie Harper
President and Owner
Dermatology and Skin Care Center of Birmingham

Dr. Yolanda Helfrich
Professor of Dermatology
University of Michigan

Dr. Sewon Kang
Chairman of Dermatology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Dr. Mark Mannis
Chairman of Ophthalmology
University of California-Davis

Dr. Martin Steinhoff
Chairman of Dermatology
Director, Charles Institute of Dermatology
University College, Dublin


Dr. Jonathan Wilkin
Former Director, Dermatologic
and Dental Drug Products
Food and Drug Administration

Dr. Mark Dahl
Professor Emeritus
The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
(former AAD president)

Dr. Michael Detmar
Professor of Pharmacogenomics
Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich, Switzerland

Dr. Lynn Drake
Harvard Medical School
(former AAD president)

Dr. Marian Macsai
Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Chicago

Dr. Richard Odom
Professor of Clinical Dermatology
University of California - San Francisco
(former AAD president)

Dr. Frank Powell
Consultant Dermatologist
Regional Centre of Dermatology
Mater Misericordiae Hospital
Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Diane Thiboutot
Professor of Dermatology
Pennsylvania State University