While Rosacea Awareness Grows, Treatments Need More Attention

Posted on: By: nkeesecker

awareness blocksA recent National Rosacea Society (NRS) survey found that 65% of rosacea sufferers were aware of the disease before their diagnosis. However, that percentage varied depending on how long ago diagnosis occurred. Of those diagnosed within the last five years, 76% had heard of rosacea before their diagnosis. In comparison, only 50% of respondents who were diagnosed more than 10 years ago had heard of the condition prior to diagnosis.

Among patients who were aware of rosacea at diagnosis, there was more awareness about the signs and symptoms of rosacea (80%) than medical treatment (31%) or skin care options (33%).

Over 90% of the 807 who took the survey reported having talked to others about rosacea. When asked how many people were aware of rosacea prior to that conversation, 23% reported none, 60% reported a few and 17% reported most or all.

While general awareness of rosacea has improved, many are still unfamiliar with current treatment options and management techniques. The NRS offers educational materials free on its website, and in bulk quantities for healthcare providers to share with their patients. Visit the Patients section to learn more.