Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society

Behaviors That Could Sabotage Your Social Life

It is well documented that rosacea, along with other skin conditions, can result in diminished quality of life in terms of social outcomes. Clinical psychologist Dr. Eleanor Chatburn shared some common patterns she has seen in her practice that rosacea patients may want to be aware of. 

Hypervigilance to Triggers. If managing the exposure to your triggers is causing more stress and anxiety than a flare-up would, it might be worth taking a step back. “Sometimes patients can be so fearful of a flare-up that they unconsciously create a world that is very small and confined, robbing themselves of even the simplest of life’s pleasures which can then trigger more depression and anxiety,” said Dr. Chatburn. 

Social Avoidance. Anxiety about one’s appearance or fear of negative comments may be enough for some rosacea sufferers to cancel plans or avoid making them in the first place. “Flare-ups can be very emotional for some and they don’t feel comfortable explaining it or talking about it,” she said. 

Reassurance Seeking. Reassurance can help to calm a doubt or allay a worry. However, people can get caught up having relentless reassurance-seeking conversations with their partner or friends. If you’re feeling down about your appearance, Dr. Chatburn suggested being up front with those feelings instead of seeking reassurance.

Automatic Negative Thoughts. We tend to notice, focus on, 
and give greater credence to evidence that fits with our existing beliefs — even when those beliefs and thoughts are negative or unhelpful. “Noticing automatic negative thought patterns about your skin condition is the first step to addressing it,” Dr. Chatburn said. 

The good news is there’s help available. If you notice any of the behavior patterns above impacting your quality of life, reach out to a qualified mental health professional, therapist or counselor for support.
