Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society

She Is Always Cautious with Her Delicate Skin

Sandra (not her real name) was born with delicate skin. As a result, she was accustomed to being careful and cautious with the things she came in contact with.

"Since childhood I have had sensitive skin," she said. "I am very fair and most over-the-counter products sting and burn so badly I have to immediately rinse them off."

When she developed rosacea just prior to turning 30, it was really no surprise.

"Early on I noticed broken blood vessels and redness around my cheeks. My face felt so tight I would actually smother it with pure Vaseline at night," Sandra said. "My first dermatologist described it as 'adult onset acne.' But I got another opinion and the second dermatologist told me I had rosacea."

Sandra was prescribed an oral antibiotic and topical therapy, and has had good success using topical medication long-term. In addition, she has had good luck incorporating a little pampering -- by frequenting a salon for regular facials.

"I see someone very knowledgeable about rosacea for my facials," Sandra said. "She knows I am very sensitive to touch on my cheeks and what products to use on my skin."

The facials have been relaxing and soothing to her skin, but the key, according to Sandra, is seeing someone with an appropriate level of training.

"I have been very happy with the way I look," Sandra said. "With preventive treatment and special care, my appearance has pretty much stayed the same."

