Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society

Published by the National Rosacea Society.
Editor: Dr. Julie Harper, president and owner, Dermatology and Skin Care Center of Birmingham
Managing Editor: Andrew Huff

Rosacea Review is a newsletter published by the National Rosacea Society for people with rosacea. The newsletter covers information pertaining to the disease and its control, including news on research, results of patient surveys, success stories, lifestyle and environmental factors, and tips on managing its signs and symptoms. To receive Rosacea Review by mail, please join the NRS. You can also sign up to receive the newsletter by email.

Summer 2024

While Rosacea Awareness Grows, Treatments Need More Attention

A recent National Rosacea Society (NRS) survey found that 65% of rosacea sufferers were aware of the disease before their diagnosis. However, that percentage varied depending on how long ago diagnosis occurred. Of those diagnosed within the last five years, 76% had heard of rosacea before their diagnosis. In comparison, only 50% of respondents who were diagnosed more than 10 years ago had heard of the condition prior to diagnosis.

Members Name NRS Beneficiaries in Their Wills

The National Rosacea Society is grateful to have been bequeathed significant support in recent years from members who have named it among charitable organizations listed as beneficiaries in their wills.

“We are honored to have received ongoing support from so many loyal individuals over the decades,” said Andrew Huff, president and executive director of the NRS. “Where possible, we hope they might consider making a final donation in their wills to help others who suffer from this chronic disorder in the years ahead.”

Success Story: Beauty Blogger Turns Rosacea Advocate

When Lex Gillies started blogging, she primarily wrote about nails and nail art; her online persona “Talonted Lex” reflects that original focus. She is now one of the most prominent rosacea social media influencers and patient advocates worldwide. We recently talked with her about her personal rosacea journey.

When were you diagnosed with rosacea and when did you start talking about it online?

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